
7 things you do that make your cat secretly hate you

Cats are pets, known for their independence and reserved nature. However, they do not all have the same behavior, some are docile, soft and affectionate, others fierce, players with a strong character. But that’s what makes these adorable felines special.

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Cats are great companions, they provide joy and fun for both children and adults, but they also provide therapeutic benefits to their owners. Thus, they communicate well-being and a desire to live. In addition, they provide rest and relaxation to anxious people and even sick children who suffer from emotional disorders or hospitalized for various illnesses.

However, despite all the benefits they bring us, it is important to know that some of our behaviors, as humans, are not appreciated by cats, even hated by these little creatures.

Here are the 7 things that we could do to our cat and that he abhor to the highest point:
The cat hates being carried.
According to Healthy Pets, a site dedicated to the welfare of pets, cats do not like to be carried like a baby. Indeed, this generates in our feline a great stress which is all the more amplified if you hold it for a long time. Instead, let it come to you and lie on your lap.

The cat does not like when it is photographed.
Having the flash in your eyes all the time is no fun for a cat. It is clear that a photo taken with her cat is cute, but let’s not abuse her kindness.

The cat hates to be looked straight in the eye
Direct eye contact with a cat is considered by the cat as aggression and a power of domination. The cat will take him as a threat and will be able to attack his master in order to defend himself. However, if he blinks, it will mean that he does not feel threatened and will not be aggressive. But, better be careful because we all know, cats are unpredictable.

The cat hates it when you imitate it with meows.
The cat uses meow as a means of communication with humans. Thus, he attracts the attention of his master for his needs for food, water, clean litter, games or cuddles. Meowing with your cat is absolutely useless because the cat cannot understand what is really asked of it and therefore will only ignore the ridiculous mews of its owner.

The cat hates to be dressed
According to Wide Open Pets, the cat likes to be dressed only in its own fur and nothing else, besides it needs only that to warm itself. However, if it is really necessary and if there is a valid reason to dress it, it would be better if his clothes were not an obstacle to his mobility.

The cat is intolerant to milk
According to, many cats are lactose intolerant and the general idea that cats support milk is a decoy. Indeed, the latter can cause intestinal discomfort, even if they like the taste of this drink.

The cat hates change
The cat likes his little comfort and his little habits and does not like being pushed around with changes such as giving him another type of food, transporting him by car, taking him to the veterinarian (even if necessary), or to receive guests; his stress is increased tenfold. Likewise, if you bring a small dog to keep your cat company and you think he is going to be happy, you are wrong.

According to the Cat Health Network, the changes should not be forced on the cat in any way, but installed smoothly to help it adjust to the new situation and avoid exposure to stress.

Our little traveling furs are dear to us and we must do our best to help them feel comfortable, after all, cats are part of the family!

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